About Us

St Mary's Church, Chartham
St. Mary's Chartham is part of the Benefice of Chartham & Upper Hardres with Stelling. St Peter & Paul Upper Hardres is a rural church set in the heart of the beautiful Kent Downs and St. Mary Stelling is a small but active and historically important rural church.
St Mary’s Chartham, has been serving the people of Chartham and beyond since the early 14th century. Each generation has brought to the church its own particular style and understanding of worship, seen in the architecture and decoration of the building, and we hope to carry on in that that tradition, proclaiming and living the good news of God’s love for us shown in his son Jesus Christ.
Wherever you may be on your particular journey, we welcome you to join us for services and the many other activities here. We are open and inviting to all, whoever you may be, to share our different stories and celebrate the story of God’s love for his creation.
Above all we seek to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ crucified and raised from the dead, so that all people may know the forgiveness of their sins and new and eternal life in the Spirit. We hope to equip Christians to go out into the world and live out that Gospel in their various situations. The church stands on its ancient foundations as a sacred space for us all as we engage in community, out there, where the Lord commanded us to go.
A website can only go so far in giving a flavour of our church and community and so we hope you will be able to visit us at some point and get a real taste of the people and the place, to take time out to pray, and draw close to God.
May the light of Christ shine upon you, scatter the darkness from your path, and guide you onwards.